COM Newsletter - March 2023




My family has recently relocated. After 8 years of looking to move to the country and praying for God’s will to be done, a door opened and with great excitement we moved believing God had a purpose in bringing us here. It was and is our desire to fulfill God’s mission for us and to be a blessing and a witness to a lost and dying world of His goodness. Interestingly, we have met an abundance of adversity. In fact, we immediately had enemies in some of our new neighbors just by virtue of our presence. We learned that they had become accustomed to using the property that we had purchased as if it were their own and they viewed our presence as an intrusion. Whew! Enemies from day one.

My question to you is do you have enemies? If so, why and what should you do about it? If you or I have wronged someone we surely need to make it right as far as possible. If we have done no wrong, then what? I am learning what God’s Word affirms that we will have enemies because of WHOSE we are and what kingdom we belong to. It is a Biblical fact that in Christ we will have enemies. In Matthew chapter 10, Christ talks extensively about the enemies the disciples will encounter as He sends them out to do His work in this world. Verse 22 says “And ye shall be hated of all men for MY NAME’S SAKE: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

‘Coming Out’ Ministries certainly has enemies and has since it’s inception. The more boldly the truth is proclaimed, the more this ministry will be targeted by the enemy going forward. Today’s social climate looks with disdain on those with a redemptive message to the LGBTQIA + community and laws will be increasingly restrictive, even with regard to the sharing of personal testimonies. Satan knows that his time is running out and he is working like never before to deceive and enslave as many as possible.

With earthly foes, God instructs us in Proverbs 25:21-22, “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.”

I assert to you that we have one enemy greater than Satan and that enemy is self. That is an enemy that we must not feed even one little crumb. In fact, that enemy must die. “The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought. The yielding of self, surrendering all to the will of God, requires a struggle; but the soul must submit to God before it can be renewed in holiness.” Steps to Christ 43.3

The amazing news is that we are not alone!!! God says to me, “For the Lord your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” Deuteronomy 20:4

By the way, by God’s grace and power, our neighbors are now our friends. To God be the glory!!! Fight courageously, friends. We are almost home.










Question: How do I reach out to a very angry loved one who is resistant to Christianity and to help in overcoming his life of self-destruction and degradation?

Reply: This is really a tough situation of which you speak. But there is nothing too tough for God. Through your unconditional love and persistent intercessory prayer He can do marvelous things to get the attention of your loved ones. In short, my counsel to you would be to just be yourself—consistently a loving and lovable Christian, for it has been rightly stated that “The strongest argument in favor of the gospel is a loving and lovable Christian.” (Signs of the Times, August 12, 1908)

Never forget that “The Christian is the world’s light, and the only Bible that many read. Through Christians men see God. How careful, then, should those be who have taken the name of Christian.” (Signs of the Times, July 10, 1901)



Q&A text taken from:

Author: “Victor J. Adamson”
(Ron Woolsey)







I always knew there was something different about me - I am sure most of you can relate to those words. The “girly world” just didn’t resonate with me, since my very first years of life. I hated skirts, wearing makeup or nail polish seemed ridiculous, and dancing with other girls or dressing up were absolute nightmares. I would feel embarrassed and not myself whenever I had to be part of those girl activities. I would rather play with boys.

While my friends were dating and falling in love, I was unable to experience that. Even though I was interested in guys, I wouldn’t feel comfortable to get closer. So I started to live romances in my head, fantasizing with different realities. In those fantasies, I would view myself as a boy and my partners would be girls. I knew something was not right, but I couldn’t understand what or why. I was living 2 different lives, and it went on for years. After more than a decade, I was living an online life as a guy, until eventually I was in a virtual relationship with another woman - while living my normal life as nothing else was happening.

Long story short: after 1 year, I told her the truth. In my mind everything would end up, she would hate me and maybe even sue me. But despite her shock and anger, she decided to forgive and try. This was the moment my virtual life became my real life. Suddenly, all the questions I did not ask for years were popping in my head. What was I? Bi? Trans? I started to hate my body, to feel that my real self was locked in the wrong body. And with all those doubts arising, the most urgent was: what does God think of this?

I started to study, to read, to contact other people in the same situation, and for a moment I was convinced God accepted me and approved my relationship. But I was still restless. Something didn’t feel right. I studied more, I prayed. Many times I prayed: maybe I cannot be saved but let me still have You in my life. And He loved me, deeply. Nonetheless, there were moments of despair. I saw no hope. Everything was so difficult to bear, I would think of closing my eyes while driving. Eventually that relationship ended, and little by little God started to tell me He had a different plan for my life.

It took Him a long time to slowly change my mind, to heal my wounds, to make me understand where all of that came from (my family dynamics). It was more than 5 years of work, until I believed I could be a woman in my own way (I still hate skirts and make up). After that, God put in my heart the desire to be in a relationship with a man. I started to pray for that and no longer than a year later I met that man, handcrafted for me. With all characteristics that make me feel comfortable and safe.

When I look back, I feel grateful for everything God has done. For freeing me from Satan’s deceits. For freeing me from my emotional pain and allowing me to experience a relationship as He designed. My dear friend, if you are still living in despair, not knowing if it’s possible to change, let me tell you: it is. Not because you can change. But because God can. He will change you. Have faith. Everytime the enemy tells you how hateful you are, remember God understands your story, your struggle, and He loves you despite whatever you do, whoever you are. The certainty of God’s love saved me. Be sure: He loves you.

Anna, 35







Please consider making a donation to our ministry to help spread the message of God’s love and redemption! Kindly visit our website and select the Donate button,
or you can send a check or money order directly to

‘Coming Out’ Ministries at PO Box 107, Tilly, AR 72679.

May God bless you for your support!


Harrison Umaña