COM Newsletter - September 2021




Last month we had the opportunity to attend ASI in person. While in the Sunshine State of Florida, it was a tremendous blessing to meet so many friends, new and old. From people who had genuine questions regarding who we were to those who just wanted to catch up, it was a delightful experience to say the least.

What truly grabbed my heart was meeting people I was in contact with from over a year ago. As the pandemic began, individuals were home more and had added time to face their true selves. Email after email, there were a mix of people to follow up with. From lengthy emails to intense phone conversations, it left a heavy impression upon my heart knowing that God was working.

Fast forward to this past August and seeing how God has been transforming their lives, I was reminded of how mighty our God is. Being able to meet them in person and have even lengthier heart felt conversations was more than valuable. Just as how Psalms 133:1 tells us, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, experiencing that last month was needed.

To those of you who stopped by the booth and signed up for our newsletter, thank you! It was such a delight to meet you all and may you be encouraged as we continue to pilgrim through. 

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Question: What is the Church's role in the issue of homosexuality?

Reply: From the Bible, we are given clear counsel on the church's role in dealing with homosexuality.

  1. The church must believe and teach the good news (the gospel) that, according to Matthew 1:21, Jesus can and will save His people, personally, from their sins (homosexuality included), not in their sins. Otherwise, the church has developed “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5).

  2. The church must accept the Bible definition of sin, or it will become ineffective in battling the enemy it has failed to define, or identify. “Sin is the transgression of the law [disobedience]” (1 John 3:4). And homosexuality is a violation of the seventh commandment of God's moral law, the Ten Commandments.

  3. Having accepted this definition, the church must not be silent, but must take a stand, calling sin by its right name. The church must call sin “sin.” “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins” (Isaiah 58:1). If we allow the reclassification of the sin of homosexuality to that of an acceptable alternative lifestyle, then we become impotent in dealing with the issue. Jesus came to save his people from their sins, not from some acceptable alternative lifestyle. If the church refuses to call homosexuality sin, it will soon find itself accepting homosexuality into membership, into leadership, and eventually into the clergy.

  4. The church must believe that there is power in the Word. When Jesus told Mary to “go, and sin no more,” Mary found grace, divine strength, in His admonition. Mary became an overcomer. As one writer puts it, “All God's biddings are enablings” (Christ's Object Lessons, 333). In the love of Jesus Christ, the church can successfully reach out to the sin-sick homosexual and introduce him to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.



Q&A text taken from:

Author: “Victor J. Adamson”
(Ron Woolsey)






As a current graduate student within Andrews University’s Architectural department, this past April, the team and I had an opportunity to briefly share our stories during their annual Awards Ceremony. Since Andrews is my first exposure to Adventist education, briefly revealing my story to classmates and professors was quite odd for me. Due to years of public schooling and keeping spiritual discussions separate, this was out of my comfort zone. However, I was aware of God’s word not returning unto Him void (Isa 55:11). I trusted there was a reason for me to be there.

After sharing, a classmate came to me privately to discuss his struggle with porn. Delighted to see that he was eager to be free, I suggested some resources for him, including downloading Covenant Eyes Screen Accountability software filter. Unsure of what his next steps were, I trusted that as I left him in the hands of God, God would surely continue to guide his steps.

A couple of months later, Covenant Eyes issued a scholarship contest for enrolled full time college students. I shared the scholarship application with my classmate, not knowing if he was a user of their software filter. I didn’t want to pry into his private life, but trusted that God was working.

This summer, he shared with me that he was one of the selected winners for the scholarship. Elated to know that he won, also meant that he’d been personally using their software filter (per application requirement). Thankful to know of his continued discipline for victory, gives me the strength to keep on serving, even if it’s out of my comfort zone.

By Kezia Chisholm





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Please consider making a donation to our ministry to help spread the message of God’s love and redemption! Kindly visit our website and select the Donate button,
or you can send a check or money order directly to

‘Coming Out’ Ministries at PO Box 107, Tilly, AR 72679.

May God bless you for your support!


Harrison Umaña