COM Newsletter - December 2019
It’s the end of another year and closer to the day when Jesus will bring us to our eternal home.
Many years ago I watched the movie “Schindler’s List” and was moved by the story of a wealthy man in Nazi Germany who had exploited the Jews. As Schindler’s heart was changed, he used all of his funds to hire more and more prisoners in order to save their lives. In the final moments he was scrambling to sell his car, his furniture and all his precious belongings saying, “How many can I save if I sell this or that?”
As we travel the globe, we often feel the same sense of urgency as did Schindler. We recognize that time is running out.
By God’s grace, ‘Coming Out' Ministries has spoken in Africa, South America, North America, Europe and Asia in 2019. Our prayer lines are connecting hurting souls to one another other and lifting up Jesus as our hope and healer. The documentary, “Journey Interrupted” is now available for free in 12 languages. God is indeed blessing!
“The agencies of evil are combining their forces, and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.”—Testimonies for the Church 9:11.
Question: Though I have totally given my heart to Jesus, I have attractions to the same sex and find myself being with other men. I really don't understand it. What does this mean about my relationship with Christ?
Reply: Regarding your relationship with Jesus, I can only say that I do not know your heart, and neither do you, according to Jeremiah 17:9, 10. But Jesus does, and He loves you unconditionally. You are His child, even though you are struggling. What would we think of a parent who would terminate his relationship with his child because of a struggle with habitual sin? Jesus loves you more than your parents could ever think to. Just look at the cross and you will see, though not comprehend, His infinite love and compassion for you.
However, those who consecrate their all to God will not be left unmolested by the enemy of souls. Satan will come to you with his specious temptations, designed to lure you from your loyalty to God. He will present to you his bribe, as he did to Christ in the wilderness of temptation, saying, "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me" (Matt. 4:9). Of course, you don't have to fall on your face before Satan to end up worshipping him. All you need to do is let go of Christ, and you are automatically under the supervision of Satan.
But what should your answer be to all the temptations of the evil one? You should say, "I will not lend my influence in any way to the advancement of anything except the cause of Christ. I am not my own; I have been bought with a price. I am not to live to please myself; for I have been purchased, ransomed by the blood of Christ. It is not possible for me to give to Christ more than that which belongs to Him; for every moment of my life belongs to Him. I am His possession, a servant employed to do the will of my Master."
This is the only position that is safe for you to occupy when struggling with this or any other habitual sin, and if you will feel this way, what a power you will exert to draw and win other struggling souls to Christ.
Q&A text taken from:
I was recently in Bogota, Colombia. A woman asked me speak to her cousin’s son who is SSA. He was struggling with how to share with his family that he was gay. We listened and compassionately shared the love of Jesus Christ to bring peace and healing and shared testimonies of those who have walked away from homosexuality. We also explained that contrary to what the LGBT agenda is promoting, SSA is not immutable or unchangeable.
After much dialogue, the young man looked intently at his mother and said, “Will you love and support me if I have a boyfriend?” She answered, “Yes! I’m your mother.” Her face then dropped as she realized he was actually asking if she would approve of him having a boyfriend. She responded that she could never approve but that he was her son and that she would always love him.
As Christians, we walk a very fine line of showing heavenly compassion while holding firm to the Gospel truth that sin is separation from God. To love God is to serve Him unreservedly. “Many will say, Lord, Lord, but only those that do the will of the Father will be in Heaven.”
The challenges of countering what the world is promoting are only overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray and trust in faith that God will move powerfully in this young man’s life and all those like him.
We are grateful for your continued prayers for us as we continue to travel and share in 2020. May God’s kingdom be full.
Please consider making a donation to our ministry to help spread the message of God’s love and redemption! Kindly visit our website and select the Donate button, or you may send a check or money order directly to:
‘Coming Out’ Ministries at PO Box 227, Mount Vernon, OH 43050.
May God bless you for your support!