COM Newsletter - February 2021

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Different is what is necessary in 2021.

‘Coming Out Ministries’ has changed over the last 10 years. Something that has become apparent to us over time is that all of us are still vulnerable and in need of mercy and compassion, no matter where we are in our Christian walk. No one is immune to the daily onslaught of the enemy of souls. Until Jesus comes, we are constantly in the balance of decision every day. Regardless of whether you have been a Christian for one year or 30, our salvation is as fragile as the commitment we make each day. As a Christian, I have seen friends walk away from Christianity into other identities to follow their attractions and addictions. This is not isolated to exgay ministries, but it also occurs in heterosexual ministry and Christianity in general. Each day there are countless men and women that fall into sin and into oblivion from the ranks of the Christian church. We feel it is necessary to address the void that we are seeing in the Church today. How can we be proactive in restoring our brothers and sisters, even after they have fallen from a pinnacle of influence? Whether they should return to ministry or not, only God can lead. Still, how do we stand beside our fallen colleagues and leaders, sharing the hope and healing of the Gospel that we extend to those outside of church culture, but often withhold from the ones who walk beside us every day?

Christianity sometimes has a tendency to turn a blind eye, allowing pastors and leaders to maintain their secret sins. Other times there is ostracizing of the one caught in sexual sin, whether they were the church secretary or the head elder. Is that really the fulfillment of Matthew 18? Perhaps partially, but I believe we often miss the opportunity to help and support the one who has fallen “out of the way”. We have experienced just such a dilemma in ‘Coming Out' Ministries and it brought us to our knees in prayer and discussion. How do we stay true to our mission of offering hope and healing to those struggling with sexual sin when it is now one of us? How do we help a colleague who has fallen in the war to stand for truth, without exposing our friend to unnecessary censure and rejection? How do we, at the same time, reach out and extend the hand of forgiveness, compassion, and restoration through our beloved Savior. Is there a statute of limitation on 1 John 1:9? Is there mercy for a ministry leader who was taken out by the enemy? Is it a mortal wound causing them to lose their salvation or is there now a new opportunity to demonstrate that the journey of a Christian is not to “artificial perfection” but rather to intimacy with Christ. And can that journey of intimacy sometimes include vulnerability, defilement, consequences, repentance and then restoration?

With joy, it is our privilege to share with our supporters a story of just such a recovery. Wayne Blakely, a founding member of ‘Coming Out’ Ministries, has a story of victory, struggle, degradation and recovery. We watched our colleague fall and while it nearly took us all with him, we learned to rally around him and each other. It was a difficult, painful and very dark time in our ministry. Neither Wayne nor the rest of us at ‘Coming Out’ Ministries were perfect in our responses, but we all learned the valuable lesson that through love and prayer, the story is far from over when one of us falls back into sinful patterns. Wayne’s life demonstrates beautifully how “once saved” is not “always saved” and that “once lost” is not “always lost”! His testimony reveals the very depths that Jesus is willing to go in order to bring someone back out of the brokenness. We feel it is timely to share his story in our testimony section this month.

In his 3+ year absence from our ministry, Wayne has produced a resource, “Line By Line”, that is monumental in sharing 19 powerful testimonies of those who have come out of LGBTQ+ identities. He also addresses the deconstruction of the grace and power of Jesus Christ found in the resource put out by the North American Division entitled: “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones”. To get a copy of “Line By Line” go to

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Get Up!

It’s been a rough road.

Leaving God and the church at 18, an “Adventist” friend introduced me to LGBT+ culture. I hunted for “love”, however, I was sabotaged by lust. Satan worked overtime keeping me separated from love’s Author.

Not only were the hearts of my parents aching, but God also patiently waited for me to respond to His gentle efforts. I just kept slapping Him in the face with my sin. Decades of EVERYTHING the LGBT+ community had to offer me. Including “PRIDE”.

Forty years of searching brought me full circle. Here I was, contemplating God and I said, What do you want from me? Almost instantly, God delivered…” Intimacy”. “Life” is about Him. Letting go of self and choosing to honor, love and obey Him. Culture says, Be yourself! Christ invites me to be who He desires me to be. Cleansed, justified and sanctified in the blood of the Lamb. A New Creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 He gave me the antidote for homosexuality.

After much prayer and study, I made a bold reentry into Adventism. How was it possible that there was still no organized, redemptive outreach to the LGBT+ community? How is it, eleven years later, that remains the case? Inspired, frustrated and stunned at our church’s willful blindness, I became a co-founder of ‘Coming Out’ Ministries. Speaking out and sharing my testimony and the biblical authority about homosexuality, Satan was enraged! He began plotting my demise. It’s expected. Homosexuals don’t stay converted. At least that seems to be the contention of many.

My first four years with Jesus, was a honeymoon. God kept opening impossible doors. Satan seemed to wait until God was significantly visible through me. Then,… I shamefully allowed him to steal everything God had blessed me with.

I can’t tell you the exact moment he began creeping in, crafting his trap. However, I began to experience moments of weakness. Weakness actually need not advance beyond images before my eyes. Satan waited for me to reach the peak of influence after a speaking engagement at the General Conference. My address even contained a declaration of having fallen since I gave my life to Christ.

I had been told that many were awaiting my failure. Within a few short days, Satan laid the trap. One that could have obliterated ‘Coming Out’ Ministries. Someone I hadn’t met, but communicated with, threatened me with extortion, saying he would go public with this planned encounter. Satan was taking me out. His intent was to take out the whole team.

I must go before ‘Coming Out’ Ministries with my degrading tale of compromise. I wished my stomach could be cut out and discarded. I think there would have actually been for more relief in throwing up. I was sick with a gnawing, relentless ill fate that would not subside.

There would be weeks of agonizing. All sin, sooner or later, has consequences. I was dead center in a courtroom of opinion and assorted reactions. Devastation permeated the surrounding air. I’m sure many such circumstances, certainly beyond the homosexual scope, have quietly come and gone within our Adventist sphere. I was experiencing guilt, anger, despair, failure, embarrassment, heartache, and wanting to physically disappear. Suicide had a welcoming appeal. But what would I say on the day of judgement?

Historically, we either “cover up,” or send people to the edge of the camp, telling God He’ll need to do the cleanup. Grilled over multiple conversations as to “why,” I had no answers. There’s no excuse for sin. I felt like Judas. What could I possibly say? My flesh had overruled my belief. Most significantly I failed Jesus. Yet only second to Him, ‘Coming Out’ Ministries and everyone I ever spoke to. I was now the spitting image of the naysayers,… personified!

Would my sin invalidate the gospel, or was it turning liberals into legalists? Again… no excuse. No reason for sin. I had not stopped believing in God’s “love in truth.” I had failed Him. And now sin separated me from Him, and others who genuinely seek to represent Him. What were they to do? What was I to do?

While I wrestled over the disasters, my colleagues and ‘Coming Out’ Ministries board members would seek advice, pray, talk, pray into the wee hours of the morning, seeking solutions. The decision was made that I would step down.

After a couple of weeks, part of the team said they wanted to come to my home for a week. What?!!!! I thought,… what will be resolved? However, there was the duty of relinquishing business papers, product, etc. that needed to take place. I loved these people; however my despicable compromise provided no evidence of that. It was close to Christmas, so I secured a huge tree, decorated, cooked, baked, bought gifts and tried to present some kind of “normal.”

It was difficult, in the midst of my perspective, to recognize that the ministry was reacting and doing what they believe God was showing them to do. They were offering love and support in the most awkward of circumstances. It was tough. In my brokenness, I sought God, to know what was best. It’s not always obvious. We all struggle at times with decision making. My failure, remorse and dismissal worked strongly to create bitterness. However, who could I be angry with? Satan. Bitterness will bar you from heaven’s gates.

Over the next year and a half, I would sit on the sofa, binge watch crime dramas, cooking shows and stare out the window asking what God wanted me to do now. I still agreed with Him. I still loved Him. But I was as vacant as a dried-up creek. Once in a while there would be a call from someone connected with the ministry. Surprisingly, one I expected to be the most angry, would calmly and kindly communicate… and pray with me.

Eighteen months later, while on a vacation with a friend of the ministry, I reflected, contemplated, prayed and walked many beaches quizzing God. Heading home via Auckland, another ministry friend offered this counsel. Proverbs 24:16. A righteous man falls seven (symbolic number) times. How can he fall? Who is it that gets him up? Is the church doing their part in walking with those who struggle? Or do we keep them at arms distance, waiting for God to do cleanup?

The promises of God are reliable. 1 John 2:1 says if we fall, we have an advocate.  There’s no verse that says if you fall… stay down. Philippians 1:6 says that God will finish the work He began in you. Journeying together in the hope of restoration, hope, reconciliation and praise to Jesus for His mercy and grace, will inspire others to come and follow Jesus. Only He can bring healing to the sick and lame. He’s worth it! And He says I’m worth it.

After my long absence from ministry, God sent me an invitation to speak at a retreat between two universities regarding the LGBT+ topic. During the Q&A, a question surfaced. “It’s a known fact that many who have left homosexuality relapse. Have you? If so, what did you do about it?” Jesus is only as effective, as my transparency. He raised me up. He will raise you up to. My life is still not perfect. However, I am on a journey of allowing more of His perfection to take up residence in my life.

During my absence from ministry, the North American Division’s Committee on Human Sexuality, produced a book. “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones.” In contrast with God’s divine authority, the “guide” ever so slightly shifts to a cultural approach, nearing indoctrination, rather than a biblical solution of hope, restoration, reconciliation and redemption. God directed a clear request to me from church leadership, to write an analysis. I did not want this. However, after praying about it, God poured rain on my fleece.

Truth, whether we succeed or fail, will prevail. From my personal experience, may I suggest this? If you fall, get back up. Establish accountability and focus on Jesus. He’s not finished with you. Trust Him. He will not abandon, leave, or forsake you. Cling to Him dear friend. He loves you so. 

Today, I continue in my personal ministry, Know His Love Ministries. It is a mirror image of the “love in truth” teachings and biblical principles shared and promoted by ‘Coming Out’ Ministries. We minister now together in concert, and they are lovingly in support bringing “Line by Line” to publication. I thank God for their prayers, friendship, and ministry.

I pray, that what you take away from this confession and reconciliation, is, that Jesus never gives up! Neither should we. Confess your weakness, one to another, and pray for the healing that is promised. God will bless. He has blessed me. James 5:16. Please continue to pray that I will live faithfully for Jesus. And if you want to be encouraged by someone who’s scraped up from an all time low, you know how to reach me.

I pray you are interested in His trusted ways, and will secure a copy of the book He inspired me to write, “Line by Line – A Biblical Analysis of Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones.”

God be with you.



(Click on the image to get your copy)










Question: What do you think of the “gay church” that actually approves of the gay lifestyle?

Reply: Any gay church that presumes to think that God can accept their worship and their lifestyle of open sin and rebellion is only deceiving itself and its members, basically claiming “peace and safety” when sudden destruction is upon them (see 1 Thessalonians 5:3). It is a religion based upon presumption rather than faith that will most certainly end in woe, despair, and destruction.

Upon what do I base my strong stance?

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied [taught] in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:21-23, emphasis added.)

True religion is more than a demonstration of love and acceptance. True religion results in contrition, remorse, repentance, conversion, old things passing away and all things becoming new. The old ways, the hereditary tendencies, the former habits, must be given up, for grace is not inherited. The new birth consists of having new motives, new tastes, and new tendencies. A genuine conversion changes hereditary and cultivated tendencies to wrong. (See 2 Corinthians 5:17.)

Any church that is approving of the gay lifestyle has totally lost its vision and sense of commission. We are to take this gospel of the kingdom into "all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matthew 24:14).

What gospel? In a nutshell, “Thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

What is sin? “Sin is the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4).

A witness to all nations of what? Though “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance,” because “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (Romans 3:23; 2 Peter 3:9; Romans 6:23; John 3:16).

Bottom line: if we are not, as a church, preaching that our God is mighty to save, the “whosoevers,” from “whatsoever,” even “to the uttermost,” then we have lost our vision and failed in our commission. Our purpose for existence as a influence for good in the world, preparing a people to meet their God, has lapsed into being nothing more than a spiritual social club, pacifying its members, indeed, anesthetizing them in their lost condition until the coming of the Lord, at which time it will be too late to correct!

May God have mercy upon His sleeping church!




Q&A text taken from:







Please consider making a donation to our ministry to help spread the message of God’s love and redemption! Kindly visit our website and select the Donate button, or you may send a check or money order directly to

‘Coming Out’ Ministries at PO Box 107, Tilly, AR 72679.

May God bless you for yogur support!


Harrison Umaña