COM Newsletter - December 2021




I recently learned of a same sex couple who have been together for 30+ years. One of the partners has advancing dementia yet they demonstrate an incredible connection as they manage the challenges they face together as a couple.

As Christians we have a special challenge when same-sex couples come to our churches in search of Jesus Christ. We need to compassionately and tactfully give these individuals full access to the freedom and love that God offers as well as to the Biblical truth of how to live and honor God with our sexuality. These topics can be very difficult to discuss yet the truth is that we must allow ourselves to be restored by God in order to receive His approval and blessing. How do we gently inform yet draw same sex couples to desire to live according to God’s instruction?

I want to use a biblical example that is compelling as well as challenging to the same-sex couple that may be searching for God. When Sarah convinced Abraham to have a child with Hagar there was great damage done in the household. Ishmael was the illegitimate son of Abraham and there was a lot of dysfunction and discord in the home as a result of this sexual sin. The only resolution to the issue was for Hagar and Ishmael to leave the home of Abraham and Sarah in order for God to open up the promise and give them the heir that would make Abraham the father of “many nations.”

It had to be heartbreaking for Abraham to see his son with his mother going away from his protection and influence! How was he to be a responsible father to his son and provide for his needs if they were to move away and live somewhere else? Even though it was wrong in the eyes of God, they had a relationship that no doubt pulled on his emotions, along with their biological connection. How difficult their departure must have been! And yet, God required it in order to bless Abraham and Sarah with their son Isaac who would fulfill the promise. Only when Ishmael and Hagar were gone could they receive the promise and provision of God. It’s important to remember that God also blessed, protected and provided for Ishmael and Hagar when they left. (Genesis 21).

Imagine a legally married family that includes a same-sex couple and three children? This couple shares a mortgage, school tuitions and car payments, etc. How do they dissolve their home and relationship and live as God has instructed? How do we lovingly help them reconcile their lives with God’s teachings and guide them to receive the full coverage and protection of what their Creator and Redeemer wants to give them? This is not exclusive to a same-sex couple. It would be a similar challenge for a heterosexual couple living together or a polyamorous family as well.

Years ago, Lisa Terillion, one of our associate speakers was in a same-sex relationship. Her partner at the time was disabled and had a daughter pregnant with a special-needs child. Lisa was in anguish over the situation yet was convicted that she needed to end the relationship. She was conflicted about the “family” that she was part of and felt emotionally and financially obligated since she was the only one working. God told her emphatically that she needed to separate from her partner and her daughter or He could not reach them. The Lord impressed Lisa that she was actually standing in the way of God being able to bless them and draw them to Him. Lisa had to make a very difficult decision to make and needed the compassion and comfort of Christians to support and love her during that time. Her Christian friends reminded her of God’s truth. This enabled her to make the difficult yet necessary decision of ending the relationship for the benefit of her and her partner. 

Christians today need divine compassion to deal with the issues that are on the forefront of the world in which we live. It requires tact and truth mixed with uncompromising love to deal with the delicate situations that the church is faced with today. 'Coming Out' Ministries is committed to building bridges for those who have compromised God’s plan. We desire to help one another be restored to the image of God, living in full access of their Heavenly Father’s love. Let’s divinely love those that live outside of God’s ideal as we point them to their Savior and Father who longs to protect and restore them.










Question: You are also a man who has come out of homosexuality. How did the church function in your own experience? Did you see a therapist? If so, how did the church and the therapist work together?

Reply: Unfortunately, the ill-equipped local churches at that time unknowingly worked to undermine my efforts to come out of homosexuality. They were teaching that we will be sinning until Jesus comes again, which meant I was doomed to remain homosexual. These churches did not teach me that victory was possible; they allowed openly practicing homosexuals to have church membership and leadership, and it was stated of me personally, "That kind can never change!" Had I not studied out the issue for myself from the Word of God, I would have given up in hopeless despair. I knew of no therapists, and therefore threw myself at the feet of Jesus where I found solace, compassion, understanding, hope, and salvation from my sin of homosexuality.



Q&A text taken from:

Author: “Victor J. Adamson”
(Ron Woolsey)






Were you able to be a part of our “Coming Together LIVE 2” online event? From November 10-14, 2021 we offered inspirational powerful presentations, testimonies and workshops with close to 600 registrants from across the globe!

In our CTL2 (Coming Together 2 LIVE) we wanted to be candid while respecting everyone’s God given right to choose. Some of the topics included pornography and sexual addiction, abortion recovery, LGBTQ+, healing the wounds of addiction and abuse, prophecy and sexuality, and transgenderism. Speakers and testimonies included Dr. Eric Walsh, Ivonne Restrepo, Pastor David Wright, Phd., Chad and Fadia Kruezer, Pastor Ron Woolsey, Walt Heyer, Harrison Umaña, Lisa Terillion, Kezia Chisholm, Debbie Norris, Karol Prado, Bruce and Alex Biegel, Daisy Snyman, Wayne Blakely, Rebecca Triplett, Helen “On Wheelz” and Michael Carducci.

We discussed the struggles that many are encountering, both personally and politically, with openness and compassion from our own experiences but most importantly with the Word of God. His Word alone will transform, empower and equip us to live beyond our experiences and temptations. In fact, while the event was taking place, we received a text from a young person telling us that they were struggling with transgender confusion and that hearing the truths presented in our seminar kept them from taking their life that day! Our hope is that these programs will likewise inspire, enlighten and equip you to find peace and victory.

Whether you are a parent of a loved one or someone who has questions about your own sexuality, I believe that in these presentations you will find answers to many of your questions. We compassionately and truthfully address the attacks on biblical sexuality that are coming from both the secular/political world as well as the Christian world, all the while seeking to uphold the truth of God’s kingdom. We demonstrate through our living testimonies, the power of Jesus Christ who loves us, redeems us and transforms us.

The presentations are available now on our Facebook and Youtube pages. We are currently working on editing the workshops and they will be posted as soon as they’re complete. Be sure to look for them in the coming weeks and share them with your friends!

By Michael Carducci







Please consider making a donation to our ministry to help spread the message of God’s love and redemption! Kindly visit our website and select the Donate button,
or you can send a check or money order directly to

‘Coming Out’ Ministries at PO Box 107, Tilly, AR 72679.

Merry Christmas and may God bless you for your support!


Harrison Umaña